This is a little tool for unencoding simple non-cryptographic codes, such as deobfuscating flags in CTFs.
Click here for more info
It has a limited ability to decode multiply-coded strings. E.g. if a string was converted to morse code and then base64 encoded and then base64 encoded again, it can usually figure that out.
It searches for ways to turn the input into a string that's at least 90% valid, visible UTF8 characters.
On rare occasions it may produce gibberish. It's usually pretty good though.
The Braille decoder is rudimentary and very much not as good as a human translator. E.g. it doesn't know whether ⠭ is "x" or "it", whether ⠽ is "y" or "you", whether ⠞ is "t" or "that" etc.
Decoder by Robyn. Matrix scroll effect mostly by Boujjou Achraf.